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10 Reasons You Should Start Your Business Now

Many members of the group come to the meetings, go to the trainings and talk about starting their own practice, however only a handful actually make the leap into entrepreneurship. The following is an excerpt from a business article that I found.

1.Successful people start before they feel ready.

You are not the only person to feel uncertain or unsure about the outcome of your business. In fact, being an entrepreneur is one, long exercise in dealing with uncertainty. Uncertainty will not go away.

You can plan, delay, and revise all you want, but the winners begin despite the uncertainty.

2.If you have a goal, the most important thing is to start.

Do not wait for motivation. If it’s not there, it will come after starting. You can’t rely on motivation striking you at the right time each morning. You can’t wait for someone to come along and give you permission to begin. And you certainly can’t hope to research and understand it all before you get going.

Start small, but start today.

3.Make decisions and make them now.

Research has shown that the people who make decisions faster will become more successful.

These people aren’t necessarily better decision makers, but simply quicker ones.

Get in the habit of making decisions. It will serve you well.

4.You don’t really have much of a choice.

If you want to do important work, if you want to do something that matters, then it’s pretty simple. You really don’t have much of a choice. You need to act now. The clock is ticking.

There was never a plan that changed the world, only the people who executed it. Make your move.

5.Give yourself time to think it over and you’ll overthink it.

Our brains are incredible machines with the ability to get to work on very difficult tasks. But if you simply sit in the planning or dreaming stage, then your brain gets bored with things because nothing new is happening. You’re not asking it to perform a difficult task because you are just running the same planning ideas on a repeating loop.

This is dangerous. Unless you give your brain a task to perform it will get bored and start to dream up reasons why this will never work. If you give your mind enough time to mull the options without giving it any real creative battles, then it will work against you.

Set your brain to the task of accomplishing your goal and it will start working for you. Don’t give yourself the chance to overthink it, start now.

6.This moment is a gift. Contribute to it.

At the risk of sounding foo–foo and fluffy, I firmly believe that the moment we have right now is a gift. You only have one life and this is it! It’s happening to you right now at this very moment. The mere fact that you are alive in a universe filled with mostly dead, empty space is a miracle.

The best way to be grateful for the time that you have is to contribute something to it. Step into the thick of things and make your own waves. Create something of your own and share it with the world. Give back to the moment you have been given.

7.“The world makes way for the man who knows where he is going.” —Ralph Waldo Emerson

Entrepreneurs without direction spend their days wandering and hoping for an opportunity. The odds that you’ll stumble your way into a thriving business are unlikely.

Pick a direction and pursue it. If you are crystal clear about what you are going after, people will either help you achieve it or get out of your way.

I swear to you that the world is filled with good people who are willing to help you get where you are going, but it’s on you to tell them where you’re headed. You can call it your purpose in life, you can call it the vision for your company, you can call it why you do what you do … call it whatever you want, but you need to pick a direction and start walking.

8."The best person is not usually the person who wins. The person who wins is the best at connecting with others, and getting people talking about them." —Aaron Wall

You don’t need to be the best, the smartest, the most prepared, the most unique. But being the best connected will help immensely.

If you don’t have a strong network, guess what? Neither did anyone else when they got started! It takes time to connect with people, and that’s why you need to start now.

You don’t need anything else. Who you are right now is good enough to start. Be honest, be genuine, and be sincere. Start connecting with other people and start sharing your story.

9.Your actions are your priorities.

Don’t tell me that it’s a priority for you to start a business when you haven’t done it. The simple fact is this: what you do is what you care about.

Sometimes what you see on the surface is what you get underneath as well. You don’t have to look that deep to see what people are made of. Show the world you’re made of something better.

10.Do something now.

Make progress, even if it’s much smaller than you anticipated. Start with something small that you can do right now. Get in the habit of accomplishing things. Finish a small task, build momentum, and repeat.

That's all I have for now.

Michael C. White, C.Ht.