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Are you viewing your hypnosis practice as a 'real' business?

Hi All,

Are you viewing your hypnosis practice as a 'real' business? If not, you are limiting your ability to reach a larger number of people in order to help them make positive changes in their lives.

If you are like me, you got into hypnosis first to help yourself improve, and then to help others improve. Often times, when people embark on a hypnosis carrier for purely altruistic purposes, we can feel guilty asking for payment for our services, and that's the wrong way to view it.

If you are not making a living doing hypnosis to help people experience positive changes in their lives, then you have to make a living doing something else, which limits your ability to reach and help more people. Think about it. Just because you are spreading good will and helping others, your bills still need to be paid. You still need to eat. Your family still needs clothing, medicine, education, entertainment, etc.

There's another aspect of requesting payment that you should consider. If you give your clients free service, they will not value it as much as services that they have paid for. Think about the old saying "Nothing ventured, nothing gain". Basically, your client has no "skin in the game" that is, they carry no risk, so there's no incentive or pressure to take the work seriously or do the self-work to accept the changes.

Begin taking your business seriously. Begin planning your schedule, forecast your revenue goals, figure out how much income you need to go full time and take the actions necessary to move you toward your goals.

I would love to hear about your struggles, challenges and successes as you move toward becoming a true entrepreneur and going full time with your hypnosis business. When you can, join us at a meeting and share your experiences with the group.

That's all I have for now.

Michael C. White, C.Ht.