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Frame Control

I often get asked "What is a frame?" Well, the best way I can describe a frame, is that it's the combination of the context of a situation and the beliefs and emotions that an individual has about the situation and context. All of these things combined define the individuals perception of their situation, that is, their perceived reality.

I know, this is probably even more confusing, but let's take a simple line from Shakespeare to try and summarize it more concisely. Shakespeare said "There is nothing either good or bad but thinking makes it so." Nathan Thomas took this quote a bit further and said "There is nothing either good or bad but framing makes it so." Nathan continued with "The frame that you put around a situation, an event or problem, is what makes it real and it determines the emotions you have about it and how you interact with it."

So if we accept that a 'frame' is simply our 'perception' at a given time, for a given context and situation, then we can move forward with our discussion.

As hypnotists, our ability to reframe is one of our most powerful tools. Your frames, that is your perception of reality, that you view the world around you with, shapes your experiences and affects the emotions you experience. Your frames determine how you react to events, situations, and people, and how you behave in a given context.

When we help our clients reframe, that is shift their perceptions, we can free them from previous self-limiting beliefs and behaviors, which allows them to experience their realities in new and empowering ways.

Now, reframing can be simple at times, however, it can also be very complex, depending on the context, because there can be any number of nuances to a given situation. The best way to keep things simple is to not overanalyze.

Often, when a hypnotist fails at getting the desired result from an instant induction, its because they failed to set the proper frame. We set the frame in this context through the confidence we display, and the authority we demonstrate, while setting up and performing an induction. The confidence and authority creates a reality that allows the subject to trust us and comply with our suggestions. Without this frame in place, we lower or chances of success.

The easiest way to set a frame is by telling a story, which provides a metaphor or analogy related to the desired belief we wish to create or elevate. Reframing is when you change someone's frame. Reframing and belief change work are very similar.

Reframes are often found in clichƩs. For example "Every cloud has a silver lining." The frame here is the cloud, which is associated to bad things, and the reframe is the silver lining, which creates a power shift in the listener that things will move from bad to better. So we can create reframes by hijacking metaphors.

A powerful reframing pattern is the 'out frame', which states that 'the issue isn't this, the issue is that'. We see politicians use this pattern all the time when they say stuff like "The issue isn't whether or not my plan means an increase in taxes, the issue I how do we rebuild our economic infrastructure in order to create a stronger, more stable future for our children." If you use this pattern, and say what you want to say politely, and with confidence, it can create an instant reframe, in this example, shifting the frame from tax increases to building a better future for our children.

To really be effective at reframing, you need to be able to create the desired frame in yourself. Establish it as a belief and then be confident in your communication and presentation of that frame to others whose current frame is in contrast to your own. Have you ever met someone with blind faith in a belief or idea? It is nearly impossible to convince them anything to the contrary, because they accept that their belief may or may not be true, and is therefore irrational, but they choose to believe it anyway. If you can create that same conviction in your own frames, then you too become a powerful influence when communicating it to others, because it will come across, not only in your words, but in your body language, mannerisms and behaviors.

A powerful frame to create in yourself is that of being a confident and competent hypnotist. This simple frame will do more to increase your success with your clients than any technique, language pattern or script you will every come across.

I hope you found this discussion helpful, or at least thought provoking.

Michael C. White, C.Ht.