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The Early Learning Set

When working with clients or students, it's important to help them get into a highly receptive state for positive change. One way to do that is to elicit an early learning set. But what exactly is an "Early Learning Set"?

An "Early Learning Set" is an experience, usually from childhood, when the subject was excited and enthusiastic about learning. Now, there are two primary learning events from our childhood that we can tap into. The first is from a school environment, however the didactic nature of those events can be a little limiting and may be teaming with anxiety. The second learning event, and I believe the most powerful, is when we learned something through play and natural discovery.

Perhaps you can recall a time in your past, where you learned a new game, or fun activity. Remember how the newness of the activity developed an excitement and an internal drive to learn more, and although the initial attempt my have been awkward and uncomfortable, the context and environment was non-threatening and non-judgmental.

These peak performance states of openness and high receptivity are ideal for rapid change and learning. So the next time you're working with a client or student, and you want to really ensure they will not only be open to the suggestions and skills you are delivering, but will enthusiastically take in the knowledge and internalize it, then go through a simple trip down memory lane, focusing only on positive events and experiences, and have them remember one of these game or discovery based early learning sets.

That's all I have for now.

Michael C. White, C.Ht.